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We our very fortunate that our Connie Mack network of teams continues to grow. In this respect, garnering a Connie Mack charter can be advantageous for a multitude of reasons. High on this list would be two factors that make our platform unique:

1.)our high quality of play - particularly at the C-1, B-1, and A levels (most often for kids who are passionate about playing high school JV and Varsity baseball & beyond)

2.)our ability to keep kids playing baseball - particularly those who enjoy the game but do not have the interest or requisite skills to play high school baseball (our C & B leagues are focused on providing these options)

Ultimately, one of our foremost priorities within Connie Mack Baseball is to provide appropriate baseball options for kids of varying skill levels between ages 13-16. We recognize and appreciate that kids are only young once. With this in mind, we are steadfastly committed to providing teenagers access to baseball at appropriate levels of play. In short, we are not looking to cut kids. Instead, we are focused placing kids in our requisite flights of play. This is where we need your help! Our kids’ Connie Mack experiences will be greatly impacted by this critical step - our league and our member organizations working in tandem to determine (as skillfully & insightfully as possible) the construct of each of our levels of play in a given season. More specifically, we need to subscribe to overall standards that define what comprises our levels of play from the most skillful (A) to most developmental (C).

In an effort to create the best experiences for all of our chartered entities and, even more importantly, the individual kids who comprise these programs, it is essential that we do the absolute best that we can constructing our various flights of play (A, B-1, B, C-1, & C) each year. We recognize the nature of volunteerism and its inherent limitations and we also appreciate the efforts that our programs put into creating positive experiences for all of our kids. As a result, we, as a board, concluded that all parties would benefit if we helped define the parameters that make each of our levels of play unique. By doing this, we believe that each of our chartered organizations and their respective coaches will have the information needed to ensure that their teams are entered into the skill-appropriate flight/level of play. In doing this, we firmly believe that we will continue to enhance the playing experiences of all our players. At the developmental levels, we will be putting kids in positions to keep playing baseball while enjoying competition that is neither overwhelming or intimidating. At the same time, at our most competitive levels of play, we will be providing our more advanced players the opportunities to play in one of the more competitive high school summer leagues in the area. By committing to this process, we will provide all of our kids what they want and deserve while reinforcing a culture that will result in a higher quality of play year over year.

Our Connie Mack board thanks you in advance for the time and consideration that you will be giving to this process. We are confident that this will be beneficial to all! Please find our guidelines that help define our A, B-1, B, C-1, & C leagues below:

A - This is our highest level of competitive baseball and our premier league. In this respect, we value the quality of the play at this level to the extent that we limit 1 opening to each of our chartered teams per season. This is the level of play that skilled players in each of organizations should be excited about reaching over their Connie Mack experience. This league, for the most part will be made up of 15-16 year old players (although younger players with advanced skills are absolutely eligible) who are either playing Varsity or JV baseball already or have demonstrated some requisite ability. In short, this flight should be represented by the top players in a given program. This league is a true summer league (designed to not conflict with high school seasons) running from late May to late July or early August. Teams should be prepared to play an 18-20 game season, followed by post season league and state playoff tournaments.

B-1 - This level of play is also highly competitive. Traditionally, this league is comprised of 14-15 year old players (as with our A league, skill level is the differentiating factor…therefore, some 13’s will play). The competition at this level is consistently representative of a combination of quality Freshmen and JV baseball. Most players at the B-1 level are on their way to competing at the A level, but need another year of game experience and physical maturity. B-1 teams typically play a 16-18 game schedule culminating with postseason league playoffs.

B - This level of play offers opportunities for development for those kids who are not quite ready for B-1 caliber of play. At the same time, it is a great option for 14-15 (some 16’s) year olds who want to keep playing baseball and don’t have or want the option to play at their respective high school. This level of play routinely keeps kids not just active in baseball, but it also acts as a vaulting point for some to pursue B-1 and A levels in the future. The B season will be comprised of a 14-16 game schedule followed by league playoffs concluding in mid July.

*If a good portion of your roster is made up of kids playing at the high school Freshmen & JV level, our organizations should be placing their teams in B-1 NOT B.*

 C-1 - This entry point to Connie Mack Baseball is a highly competitive league for 13 -14 years old players. Since 13 year olds will be playing on the MLB size field for the first time, it essential to recognize that this level has been designed for the more advanced players of this age. This differentiation should be noted in both skill and physical maturity. More specifically, some players might have some requisite skills, but they simply have not matured physically yet. In these instances, playing at the C level would be a better option. Similarly, please know that C-1 allows for up to FOUR 14 year olds per roster. This gives opportunities for those kids who again might have required skills, but are not physically strong enough to play B or B-1 yet. Most players at the C-1 level will clearly project as ready or on pace to play Freshmen high school baseball. This level of play will incorporate 12-14 games with season-ending playoff campaign.

C - This second option as the entry to Connie Mack and 90’ baseball provides 13 year olds (and up to FOUR 14 year olds) a smoother and more manageable transition from youth league play. In this respect, at 13 many kids who like playing baseball simply stop, because the MLB size field is overwhelming for various reasons - typically a combination of a lack of physical maturity and skill development. At the C level, players will be provided the opportunity to transition to the big field while playing against appropriate competition. Players at this level meet a profile that indicates that they are not projecting as high school players and/or they are but not at the Freshmen skill level yet. Some kids from this level will mature and jump to B-1 and beyond in ensuring seasons, while others will desire to keep playing baseball at a more suitable level such as B in the future. This level will also play a 12-14 game schedule with post season playoffs to follow.